
Pesticides and Animal Feed

Approximately 37% of the world"s grain and 66% of U.S. grain is used for livestock feed. This grain is grown by intensive farming operations that use massive quantities of pesticides while producing problems such as pesticide resistance in insects and weeds, and pollution of nearby water supplies with toxic chemicals. Many grain crops are genetically modified, so that the plants are bred either to contain pesticides within their entire genetic makeup or to withstand direct application of chemical pesticides or herbicides. Furthermore, when grain is grown with pesticides and then fed to livestock, pesticide residues accumulate in the animals" fatty tissue. When humans eat the meat and dairy products derived from these animals, we"re exposed to the toxic ingredients in the pesticides and are at risk of developing health problems as a result. However, the most direct route to pesticide exposure is through ingesting produce with pesticide residues.

Yangzhou pioneer chemical CO.,LTD 

