
Pencycuron in rice

Changes in plant type and in production systems (such as directseeding) have resulted in an increase in sheath blight (Rhizoctonia solani) in rice in Malaysia. This is the major rice disease in many regions/countries, causing more losses than any other fungal disease, especially in the lowland tropics. The soil-borne fungal pathogen spreads via its sclerotia and mycelium and, if conditions are favourable, can infect the entire plant – from the base of the stem to the panicle. If infection is severe and occurs at an early stage of crop growth, the pathogen penetrates the stem, turning its tissues into a mush and preventing the transport of water and nutrients within the plant. This results in severe impairment of yield and quality (stunted grains and a low proportion of milled rice). High temperature and humidity encourage the development of the disease, especially during the early heading stages. Higher crop densities result in a more humid microclimate, promoting infection. Closer contact between the plants also promotes the spread of infection in the dense canopy. Helminthosporium brown spot (H. oryzae) is a common disease of rice in almost all countries where the crop is grown. The pathogen’s airborne conidia are an important source of inoculum. The disease can occasionally become a serious problem, especially when it occurs together with sheath blight at the heading stage of the crop. The application of Monceren® (pencycuron) 25 WP or 250 SC for initial sheath blight control, followed by a Flint 50 WG application at 100 g/ha to control both sheath blight and Helminthosporium leaf spot, is a favourable spray programme. In direct-seeded rice fields, fish farming is rendered impractical due to the high density of plants. Moreover, application of Flint 50 WG is timed at about 65-70 days after sowing, when the field is practically without water so aquatic organisms are unlikely to be affected. Further trials with Flint 50 WG against major diseases in fruit and other vegetable crops towards appropriate disease management 

