
Using pioneer chemical fungicide : pencycuron

Black scurf is caused by Rhizoctonia solani, which can result in the brown/black sclerotia, or lumps on the tuber surface and is also responsible for stem canker. Stem and stolon canker can influence emergence, stem number, tuber number and tuber size distribution.
Seed borne disease is the main source of the inoculum in Northern Ireland and can be controlled by a range of seed treatments, however localised sources of soil borne inoculum can be important.
Research conducted by the Scottish Agricultural College has shown that the strobilurin fungicide, azoxystrobin (Amistar, 250g/litre) is effective against soil borne inoculum. Research from Cambridge University Farm indicates that a combination treatment of pencycuron (e.g. in Monceren IM) seed treatment followed by Amistar in-furrow provides best control of black scurf and stem canker.

Yangzhou pioneer chemical CO.,LTD. 

