
2, 4-D and Dicamba as a Harvest Aid

If broadleaf weeds are going to interfere with harvest, 2,4-D can be applied at 0.75 to 1.5 lbs/A (1.5 to 2 pts/A of a 4 lb/gal a.i. product) at the dough stage of spring wheat, barley or rye. Not all 2,4-D formulations are labeled for preharvest applications.
Some 2,4-D labels only allow use on wheat, others allow use on wheat and barley and others allow use on wheat, barley and rye. Choose a brand that is labeled for use on the intended small grain crop. An ester formulation will give better control and quicker burndown than amine formulation. If using an ester formulation, use a low volatile formulation to reduce vapor drift potential. If using an amine, at least 2 pts/A is needed for larger weeds. Do not expect good control on large pigweed or kochia or wild buckwheat. Large kochia and other weeds with large stems may not burn down and may stay green for an extended period.
2,4-D can be tank mixed with Glyphosate on spring wheat and durum for additional broadleaf control and grass control. See the following paragraph for restrictions and read the label.
The labels of most formulations of 2,4-D have a grazing restriction of no dairy and 7 days for meat animals and a 30 day have restriction. Do not feed straw to livestock.
Apply Dicamba at 0.5 pt/A + 2,4-D at 1 to 2 pt/A when wheat is in the hard dough stage and the green color is gone from the nodes of the stem. Dicamba will provide additional control of wild buckwheat, kochia, common lambsquarters, pigweed spp., sunflower, and Russian thistle.

Yangzhou pioneer chemical CO.,LTD.

