
About pencycuron: Chemical treatment of papaya seeds to control Rhizoctonia solani

BY: Univ Estadual Norte Fluminense, Ctr Ciencias and Tecnol Agropecuarias, BR-28013600 Campos Dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil
Chemical treatment of papaya seeds to control Rhizoctonia solani The efficiency of fungicides applied on papaya seeds to control Rhizoctonia solani was evaluated in two experiments. Papaya seeds were treated with fungicides (grams of active ingredient kg(-1) of seeds): triadimenol (0,5 and 1,0), pencycuron (1.0 and 2.0), thiabendazole (5,0 and 10,0), fludioxonil (0,25 and 0,50), difeconazole (1.0 and 2.0), captan (5.0), tolylfluanid (2.5) and captan + tolylfluanid (5.0 + 2.5) and controls (without fungicides). The vigor (seed germination percentage at the first count) and germination (%) of the seeds were evaluated in laboratory. In greenhouse, seeds were sowed in substrate infested with fungus mycelia, and in the controls, untreated seeds were sowed in infested and uninfested substrate. Seeds without chemical treatment were planted in infested and uninfested substrate as the controls. Toxicity symptoms on the seedlings were not observed for all treatments. Except for difeconazole, all products were efficient in controlling the death of seedlings in pre emergence and increased the emergence of plants in both experiments in greenhouse conditions, but satisfactory post-emergence damping-off control was achieved only by use of uninfested substrate.

Yangzhou pioneer chemical CO.,LTD.

