
How to Kill Weeds Without Pesticides

Every gardener knows that a healthy, flourishing, weed-free garden does not happen by itself. Weed control is a time consuming task. There are a multitude of chemical pesticides on the market designed for just about every weed problem, but not everyone wants to use chemical pesticides on their land. Using natural and chemical-free weed solutions is good for the environment, safer for pets and children and, safer for the gardener.
1. Prevent weed seeds from germinating in the spring at the beginning of the growing season. Remove all dead plant material and wood roots from the garden area.
2 Lay down newspapers three sheets thick over the bare soil in your garden area. Keep the newspaper layer 2 inches away from the base of perennial plants and 6 inches away from shrubs and landscape trees.
3 Place 3 to 6 inches of mulch over the newspaper. Use wood chips, sawdust, peat moss, shredded leaves or bark. Hold the mulch layer back 2 inches from perennials and 6 inches from the trunks of trees and shrubs.
4 Kill existing weeds with a soap solution. Mix 5 tbsp. of dishwashing soap with a quart of warm water in a spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle to thoroughly mix the soap and water solution.
5 Spray weeds with the soapy solution until they are thoroughly coated. Use this treatment on a hot, dry day when the weeds are exposed to sunlight.
6 Kill existing weeds with vinegar. Inexpensive white vinegar is best. Fill a spray bottle with straight vinegar and coat the stalks and foliage of weeds.

