
Using fungicide such as pencycuron sprays effectively

By: Stephen Nameth, Jim Chatfield
Fungicides such as pencycuron can be an important component of the disease management program. However, it is important to remember that their use should be integrated with the use of sound cultural practices, a knowledge of pathogen and disease biology, and disease resistance whenever possible.
Fungicides such as pencycuron are only effective when infectious plant diseases that are caused by fungi are truly the cause of the problem. In many cases, pests and diseases follow other environmental imbalances and may not be the major problem. In cases such as these, a fungicide may help but is often not the total answer. Also, it is important to remember that fungicides such as pencycuron are only effective if several rules are followed. First, the correct material must be selected. This depends on correct diagnosis and identification of the pathogen. Second, the chemical must be applied at the right time of year and frequently enough to protect plant material adequately. Third, fungicides must be applied properly over plant surfaces. These three rules depend on making correct decisions based on correct knowledge. Too many people simply "spray and pray," and are often disappointed with the results.

Yangzhou pioneer chemical CO.,LTD 

